(318) 392-3009

Clients: Get the Most From Your Monthly Analytic Reports!

This video teaches our clients how to best dig into their monthly analytics reports. At the beginning of each month, The Social Media Lady clients receive an email with a link to review how their social media platforms performed over the last month. We use this information to determine if we are accomplishing the goals set during our setup. It is important to this company that our clients get the best bang for their buck. The first step is to track progress!

Step One:

Click on the link in the email you receive.

Step Two: 

Review the Overview Page. Pay attention to the number of followers, day by day content performance, and totals for number of posts, likes, comments, shares and clicks. Review your social profiles for the days with spikes in engagement.

Step Three: 

Click on Accounts.  Toggle between the individual social profiles. Pay attention to the number of followers, day by day content performance, and totals for number of posts, likes, comments, shares and clicks. Review your social profiles for the days with spikes in engagement.

Step Four:

Click on the Insights. This page give us great insight on which types of posts perform the best, what time they perform the best, and how we can improve in the future.

The Social Media Lady is a constantly adapting social media agency that gets excited to exceed our clients' expectations. We serve the most value to those businesses without a social media professional on-staff.  We enjoy the unusual but can make stodgy look stimulating.  We want people to compliment your content. (C) 2020, Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Contact Us: in**@th****************.biz , (318) 550-3687

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