(318) 392-3009
Social Media Management Packages for Facebook Alternatives

Facebook Alternatives Management Packages

The Social Media Lady NOW OFFERs social media management packages for Facebook alternatives. This includes content planning, creation, and publishing to Alignable, MeWe, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok. In fact, we can work with any network you select!

Businesses are demanding alternative social networks to Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and LinkedIn. The Social Media Lady has listened! 

We still offer the historical standard platform publishing and advertising but we NOW OFFER content planning, creation, and publishing to Alignable, MeWe, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok. In fact, we can work with any network you select!

Alternative Social Networks to Facebook

Alignable | MeWe | Tumblr

Facebook Alternatives Management Package 

Stand Alone Alternatives Management Package

First, we introduce the stand-alone Facebook alternatives management package. It was designed for the business has decided to begin publishing and engaging on alternative networks and STOP PUBLISHING to the STANDARD SOCIAL NETWORKS. We also include monitoring of the standard networks to prevent fraudulent or malicious activity for $412.00 per month.


  • 2 posts per week of relevant, original branded content to the business profiles.
  • 15 minutes per network, per week, engaging in relevant conversations on the platform.
  • Networks included in this package
    • Alignable
    • MeWe
    • Tumblr
  • Monitors Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles for comments and reviews once per week.

The STANDARD PLUS Facebook Alternatives Management Package

Next, we are proud to unveil The STANDARD Social Networks PLUS Facebook Alternatives. This package is for the business ADDING new social networks to the STANDARD SOCIAL NETWORKS for $757.00 per month.


  • The STANDARD Home and Business Service Provider Social Media Marketing Package
    • Content Creation & Publishing
      1. Four (4) posts weekly to Facebook and Twitter. Two (2) posts weekly to LinkedIn.
      2. Community monitoring and engagement.
      3. Monthly analytics. 
      4. Dedicated Social Specialist.
    • Advertising Campaigns on Facebook & Instagram - Create, monitor, and adjust 2 Ad Campaigns (includes minimum ad spend.)


  • The Facebook Alternatives Management Package Add-On
    • 2 posts per week of relevant, original branded content to the business profile.
    • 15 minutes per network, per week, engaging in relevant conversations on the platform.
    • Networks included in this package
      • Alignable
      • MeWe
      • Tumblr

The Facebook Alternatives Management Package Add-On

Finally, we created the Facebook Alternatives Management Package Add-on. This package can be added to any monthly management package we currently offer. 

  • $345.00 per month for all three or 
  • $133.00 per month individually
  • 2 posts per week of relevant, original branded content to the business profile.
  • 15 minutes per network, per week, engaging in relevant conversations on the platform.
  • Networks included in this package
    • Alignable
    • MeWe
    • Tumblr

Premium Facebook Alternatives Ad-hoc

Clubhouse | Marco Polo | Medium | Pinterest | Snapchat | TikTok 

Premium Alternative Networks Add-Ons

Alternative networks (Clubhouse, Marco Polo, Medium, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok) are considered premium alternative networks because they require much more time and attention than Alignable, MeWe, and Tumblr. 

We are happy to plan, create, and publish to these networks for your business. Starting at $230.00 per month each added to your current social marketing management package, our office will quote based on your needs and goals. Call us today (318) 402-3612!

Every business has different marketing needs. The Social Media Lady analyzes your social marketing goals and budget along with your other marketing efforts to recommend and execute an effective strategy. 

The Social Media Lady is a constantly adapting social media agency that gets excited to exceed our clients' expectations. We serve the most value to those businesses without a social media professional on-staff.  We enjoy the unusual but can make stodgy look stimulating.  We want people to compliment your content. (C) 2020, Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Contact Us: info@thesocialmedialady.biz, (318) 550-3687

Affiliate Disclaimer

Several of the links provided on this page are Affiliate Links. That means that if you use them to complete a purchase or create a subscription, we receive a commission of some kind. Using this code does not cost you anything extra, and sometimes we can get you a discount or freebie for using our code. If we recommend a product, we use it and genuinely appreciate the product or service. We do not recommend products we do not like. We clearly label all products that we have not used yet and therefore have not yet been reviewed.

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