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How Do I Get My Employees Involved in My Company's Social Media?

Our love of Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, and, well, anything star-related tends to bleed into all aspects of our lives, including our work.  

"I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me." Chirrut Imwe

Social media platforms are the perfect place to make connections, grow your network, and spread the word about your business' newest developments.

When people work together, it's possible to achieve great things. If you have a crew of employees backing your plays, you can significantly increase your social marketing reach and get your brand ahead of the best prospects.

"In my experience, there is no such thing as luck." – Obi-Wan Kenobi

One of the biggest questions company owners have is, "How do I get my employees involved in my company's social media campaigns for many small to medium-sized business owners?"

Taking deliberate action to increase your social media engagement and the odds of getting your desired outcome helps you reach these goals. Enlisting the aid of those who work for you to help spread the message may take some creativity on your part.

To help you effectively reach your social media and other business objectives, let's explore some ideas and approaches to increase employee participation across your social media channels.

Employee Engagement

Communicate And Define Your Goals For Social Media - Never assume that your employees automatically know or understand what's expected of them on social media. The best bet is to spell it out for them in terms they understand. If you have set missions and goals in place, please communicate any objectives with your staff to avoid confusion. Ideally, you should encourage, not force, your employees to respectfully engage on social media platforms.

Feature Or Highlight Your Employees - Do you have outstanding employees who go above and beyond to do their job exceptionally well? If so, social media provides an excellent platform to recognize them for their deeds and accomplishments. They, along with family and friends, are likely to share this token of appreciation in their circles. That's an organic way to increase reach!

Curate Helpful Or Interesting Content From Others - Sharing is caring! To build a vibrant and more engaging social media page, curating content from other creators and publishers can help to increase virality and stickiness on your page. Even if you aren't the original publisher, sharing related videos and content helps to increase your visibility and share-ability, which is always beneficial.

"Stay on target." – Gold Five

Make Sharing Easy On Social Channels - Providing employees with tools that make it easy to share curated or company content is an effective way to help your employees "stay on target." Here are tips to assist in meeting your social media networking blueprint objectives.

• Provide recommended hashtags that help them with placement in related searches and keyword categories.
• Have pre-drafted updates and messages available for employees to use.
• Offer access to team-based social media sharing tools with scheduling capabilities to save time making updates.
• Use an email or push notification alert system to notify your employees when you or your clients, social media page, or website content gets updated.
• Offer one-click social sharing buttons on your site. By doing so, sharing is more straightforward and straightforward for anyone who visits your website.

Implementing as many of these tactics as possible to increase employee engagement can help your company become the social media Jedi you aspire to be.

If you could use a hand with starting employee-wide social media initiatives, reach out today!

The Social Media Lady is a constantly adapting social media agency that gets excited to exceed our clients' expectations. We serve the most value to those businesses without a social media professional on-staff.  We enjoy the unusual but can make stodgy look stimulating.  We want people to compliment your content. (C) 2020, Shreveport, Louisiana. 

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