Social Media Videos are an important tool in a marketer's arsenal because videos are still the most engaging content on the internet. What does that tell us? Businesses need to use video in their digital marketing to grab the attention of their audience. Take a moment to think about how many other organizations are reaching your audience's attention. Videos give you a step up from your competitor.
Every business has different marketing needs. The Social Media Lady analyzes your social marketing goals and budget along with your other marketing efforts to recommend and execute an effective strategy.
Are you a small business that provides services to homeowners or other individual consumers B2C? If so, we have developed an excellent package that posts regularly and ensures the growth of your business profiles on the major platforms.
Our Retail & Restaurant package was designed with photography in mind! You will require a dedicated photography session once per month to showcase all the wonderful elements in your business.
We have learned that medium-sized businesses need dedicated special project time. This project time can always be increased as more social marketing expertise is required.
And finally, if you want to get away from the STANDARD big boys of the social media industry, we offer our Facebook Alternatives Management Package.
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The Social Media Lady is a constantly adapting social media agency that gets excited to exceed our clients' expectations. We serve the most value to those businesses without a social media professional on-staff. We enjoy the unusual but can make stodgy look stimulating. We want people to compliment your content. (C) 2020, Shreveport, Louisiana.
Contact Us:, (318) 550-3687